Starting Again: Bree's Lifestyle in 2021
Welcome to my new blog design! It feels like the start of a new year, even though we're halfway through the month of May. I suppose this is the "Happy New Year" post I never got around to writing for 2021. Today is the day I officially restart this journey as originally intended. When first starting this blog, in addition to to all the social media toys associated with it, I wasn't in the best position to do so, but everyone said, "Just start! Don't wait for things to be perfect. You'll get there as you go along". I took that advice and, well, life has a way of getting in the way of one's grand plans...constantly!
First, I didn't have my own place; space and personal freedom to create content as I wished. Everything had to be arranged for an opportune time and there just weren't very many of those. But I persisted! Any chance to take photographs or film, I seized it, but then ran into technical difficulties. Poor lighting, poor camera quality, you name it, interfered with my ability to create the kind of content that left me satisfied. Some of those struggles were documented in this blog. It was a lot to deal with, yet - still - I continued. I figured getting my own place would make all the difference. I could purchase all the right tech items and put them up where I pleased and as I pleased, without worrying equipment was left in anyone's way. More space was the key, I thought! Well, I moved during late Fall in 2018.
Moving had its challenges and, unfortunately, I settled on a space that wasn't ideal in my eagerness to just...move. The natural lighting wasn't the best in the space that made the most sense for my YouTube videos, but a work around was found. It took me a while to find it. A long-term relationship (long-term for me) came to an end and my work life was in shambles due to various changes and challenges. It was a hectic, messy, and psychologically draining time, which left me spent and uninspired to create at the end of most days and on weekends. 2019 was a series of highs and lows and steady technical difficulties when I DID have moments of creativity. This time, it was my computer. My trusty laptop was starting to show its age and became unable to support the most basic task of editing videos. Because it worked well, otherwise, I really didn't want to cough up the money to replace it, so I tried editing on my phone. Apparently, cellphones have as much power as full-blown computers nowadays. But then my trusty phone became unreliable; random battery failures, the never-ending "memory full" messages, even after deleting a ton of items. And then it started failing to charge, which is the ultimate sign that it's time to give up the ghost, but not before I found a way to hotwire it. Not only was this dangerous, but having weird wires hanging from your phone at a security checkpoint is asking for trouble.
Enter 2020. Between new, positive changes at work, which I had hoped were destined to improve my work-life, I sprang for the new phone with a good amount of space to handle video editing and had a planner full of creative endeavors to embark upon. Still wasn't ready to spring for a new computer. Getting the phone was cheaper and the editing apps were pretty decent. But then...dun dun dunnn...a pandemic was unleashed upon the world and the country of my birth broke my heart daily. It was a lot to contend with on a physical and emotional level. Watching other content creators flourish while being stuck at home was hard as I grieved the loss of so many things, instead, in addition to coming to grips with a health issue wrecking havoc on my hormones. In fact, it was a year ago, to this day, that I found myself on a ride to the ER in the back of an ambulance (my first and, hopefully, my last time). There were days leading up that ride, where it was uncertain if I would awaken the next morning after finally drifting asleep. I lost all of the weight I gained in 2019 (due to a short reprieve of stress in my work-life) and then some; nearly 20 pounds. For someone who has always struggled to gain weight, losing 20 pounds became a major problem. I was wasting away. After being sent home from the ER that night, I somehow, found the strength and faith to turn things around to the point that I've not only gained the weight back as of this date, but also picked up a few extra pandemic pounds (gladly). Proper diagnosis from my doctor also helped. I vividly recall the first time I was able to eat, again; BBQ ribs. Yes, I'm someone who can go from 0 - 100 in a heartbeat. On one day I could barely finish a cracker and a couple of days later I was determined to finish a delicious and succulent rib bone.
Anyhoo, I've said all of this to indicate the fits and starts of my journey have been many, but after a year of dealing with a host of life adjustments, I am starting over again, once again, with a new and powerful computer, along with a handful of lessons learned. Yep, I FINALLY did the damn thang and gave up my frugalista ways. If it were a gift for someone else I probably would have pulled the trigger and splurged on something so costly a long time ago. For myself, however, I've always been willing and able to get by, pretty well, with just what was needed. And the itch to share that gift with others in a creative way or outlet just won't leave me, which I take as a sign it's an itch I MUST scratch, regardless of how many obstacles life puts in the way. Never give up on something that brings you joy (as long as it's legal *wink*). If you can share that joy with others who may find it useful, DO IT! Life WILL get in the way, but if it's truly important to you, YOU will find a way.
So here I go....
Space? Check!
Equipment? Check!
Technology? Check!
New Blog design? Check!
New YouTube videos in the works? Check!
Sheer will, determination and endless inspiration? Check!
Life waiting to throw a monkey wrench in my plans? Likely!
Gonna persist anyway? Absolutely!
STAY TUNED (and let me know if you like the new layout) 😉